Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Friday, September 8

Lately I have been sentimental

I am not sure if it stems from the recent graduation, or recent job searches, or recent love life stuff, but I am finding myself increasingly sentimental about the dorkiest things.
My poor baby, I MADE him sit there and watch YouTube videos from my childhood Sesame Street and Nintendo days - forcing him to digest the importance of "The Ladybugs Twelve."
This morning, while wandering through the friend-blogs (ya gotta keep up somehow), I found this wonderful memory.
It made me think of my parents and I at a time when I was both too opinionated and too formidable for my own good.
Opinionated and Formidable tend not to be such a good combination - what it means is that you convince yourself of your own ideas and then live out of that opinion until something horrific happens to bust you out of it. But I guess I turned out alright.


Mark Baker-Wright said...

I LOVE The Monster at the End of this Book!

Now, to sing a rousing rendition of "I Love Trash"!

maria bjørdal said...

hey girl - i miss you! see you at the wedding, right?


Anonymous said...

Mat's favorite was Green Eggs and Ham. I always "ham'd" it up when reading it. To this day he loves Dr. Seuss. In fact, he just took to college his "Fox in Sox" book to show a friend....or rather test the friend's ability to do tongue twisters. tee hee.
Love, Aunt Michelle.