Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Thursday, October 28

Many Moons...

A lunar eclipse happened last night. this was great. It prompted me to get off my tush and write something. Unfortunately, I am at work, so not right now.

Saturday, October 2

this is funny - i am not really sure why - but it is
I personally think this looks like me and my friend Eric
hanging out together. NO - really.

Limping = Freedom

I have had a little light at the end of the tunnel come on and blind me: I am struggling.
This is not, however, a bad thing.
I am learning, deeply and truly, what it is to be in true tension: Jacob wrestling with the angel was an imperative to his relationship with God. Without a broken hip, he would have no reminder - no prophetic demonstration - of the reality of God's presence in his life. So too with me - as my hip is torn from its socket I rejoice in the visible affect and effect it produces in my walk - may my limp spurn others to sprint.
What an honor to be dis-abled by the power and presence of the Lord.
What once I saw as a handicap given to Jacob, I see as a grace.
The Lord had the grace to dis-able Jacob so that he would be unable to fight Him. How can you punch a man if you have no hands? How can you kick a man when you have no legs?
And how can you fight God when you have no will?
Jacobs limp hip, his mangled pride, was a gift from God - he would never have to deal with the torment of his own unfaithfulness again.
Please don't talk to me if you have never had a mangled hip. I just won't trust you.

On that note, a story of grace:

Studying. "Reading the Bible from the Margins"
"I've heard all this before
It is so redundent -
move along."

A voice whispers, "Michelle"
"A year ago you knew none of what you read here"
"ummmm, duh"
"Rejoice in your redundancy, Michelle."
"Because it means you learned something."

Rejoice in your redunancy. Rejoice in your mangled hip.