Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Sunday, August 1


Mr. Dostoevsky said
"For all the dentists in the world, you are still at the mercy of your own teeth."
Maybe he meant that the world offers many "solutions" to many problems, but until you fix the inherent, you can prevent nothing.
There is no such thing as an outside solution to an inside problem.
There is no such thing as an inside solution to an outside problem.
Perhaps this is why the Bible isn't connecting with the world. It is an inside document that is being applied to outside people.
Last I checked, we were supposed to love those who chose a different inside than us.
Is this too far? Is this limiting the limitless Words of an almighty, all-graceful, all-loving creator? Or is it being wise with the pearls that have been strung for us?
What fine line do we cross to make surgical precision into amputation?
Where and when does God want us to stop using the words that were so compassionately given to us?
I have been cut deep, beyond human repair, by people wielding a battle sword and not a scalpel. Where does it end, and with whom?

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