Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Tuesday, December 6

some external processing for you

There is always so much to say and never enough energy to actually say it- in writing that is. I realize that I come with these great little thoughts and jot them down in my journal and then, since its all spilled out already, I don't have enough emotional motivation to get it here on the blog-o-licious.

My friend Dave had a beautiful b-day party on Saturday night. At one point we were discussing the necessary ingredients for artistic creativity to occur:
1. Inspiration
2. Time
3. Energy

Dave has discovered that if all three are not present, then nary an art project is to be found. I find myself in the same boat as Dave.

- I sit at the piano, composition book in tow; not a single note will grace the page.
- I sit in Peet's Coffee studying frantically, writing like the wind a paper due last yesterday Monday morning and a symphony popcorns in my ears.
- I sit on my bed, eyes wearily glazed but time flowing freely, and lyrics chug like a freight train through my thoughts.

It has been a long time since I wrote a good song. It's been a long time since I have written a good anything. I guess I am thinking about it since my computer's operating system crashed last week the night before my final paper in Spirituality and Everyday Life was due and I have none of what I was getting back to (eventually, right?) left. I suppose it is a lesson in taking your own giftings for granted.

I buried my talents deep in "desktop" file folders and "my documents" bins, only to have it be disheveled and destroyed by time and inadequate technology. This, I guess you are thinking, is wonderful! It has spurred me toward re-creating life and reusing talents for good.

Actually, the only thing it has spurred is my desire to buy a new computer. I'm getting a MAC.

You know, you need to be careful what you say - cuz God hears this stuff. The computer thing is case in point. Like three weeks ago, I mentioned to BF Paul that I couldn't wait till my computer crashed so I could buy a MAC.

'Nuff said.

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