Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Thursday, February 15


It only took me a week to figure out how to log in to my blog and post without having to change up all these fancy new log in account things.

I am working on a new blog/website/domain thing... so be informed that soon and very soon you may be typing in some new letters to read all about it.

I need to apologize, first of all, for totally flaking on my vow for a post a day. Writing is like scrubbing the toilet to me. I hate actually doing it, but I sure do love the way it looks and smells after. It's like you can sit your little tushie down worry free. And THAT is something to be happy about.

I have come to the realization that wedding planning is a pain in the ass and that if I knew that six months ago, I would have hired a wedding planner, told him or her that the colors are purple, silver and black, and Paul and I will see you on March 30th. Have your way with it.
Now, I am absolutely sure that this would backfire and that this is not REALLY what Paul and I want, but just as Dr. Clay Schmidt's office and two witnesses sounds better everyday - so does the wedding planner.

I guess I am having fun when I am not busy with other stuff, like, ya know, work. I can definitely see that this was a lot of happy good times to young lovelies who had/have nothing else to do but plan their weddings. Today however, we lovelies have lots to do beside plan a wedding, so it can be a bit stressful - especially for those who aren't called to be planners in the first place (pick me! pick me!)

Some good stuff to know:
I am on a mission to facilitate the faith/culture/media dialogue. I thought I would let you know so that it will not surprise you if the tone of the muse changes a bit.

I read this great blog the other day, where the tagline was:
"Blogging is easy, commenting is hard."

Gotta love it.

1 comment:

Mark Baker-Wright said...

I was wondering where you'd been (blogwise) for a while. Hang in there!