Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Friday, June 6


I have obviously changed the look of the blog. I like this one better.
I am trying to figure out ways to get "up and running" with my business while waiting for P to finish the website.
I figured I could start writing or something, to give him stuff to post. Maybe he will believe me then when I say I want it to work. I haven't really given him much reason to think that I want it up.
Anyway, I don't live in LA anymore, as all of the people who actually check in on the blog from time to time already know because we all know each other anyway - for the most part.
In San Jose, wanting to rebuild vocal/acting/performing studio. Getting serious about career in the arts.

Help a sista out. If you know someone who wants to be good {in the arts} or learn something new {about themselves}. TELL THEM TO CONTACT ME.

I thought of a tagline that I think I like.... tell me what you think of this:

Michelle Markwart Deveaux
Private Instruction: Public Confidence

I am trying to think of another word for "Confidence" that gets at what I mean more directly and artistically. So far, I am eluded.

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