Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Tuesday, October 25

so much loss

Friends - it is the end of an era. Rosa Parks, age 92, passed away at her home in Detroit last night.

I am learning a new level of sorrow over that last couple weeks. So many people have died that have influenced my life. Some helped build my environment from afar - they helped build the color of life - baseball, civil rights, hope, some goodness in the world. Others helped build my heart - worship, friendship, pain and struggle.

Heart hurts.


Anonymous said...

a spunky sassy woman who didn't let them tell her what's what. yeah. she's amazing.

Mark Baker-Wright said...

I've also been noticing that a lot of people I've respected from afar have been passing away lately. Most are entertainers, and have not the herioc status of Ms. Parks, but Don Adams, Nipsey Russell, James Doohan, etc. have certainly all been influences nonetheless. It's sad to see them all go.