Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Wednesday, November 9

Believe me Ariel...

When Ariel Sings

When Ariel sings the music pierces souls and magnifies the Creator
So close we can smell Her and Him and Son and Spirit

When Ariel cries the tears are a potion bottled and set upon the Creators
Shelf, and is used as a Pensieve for the angels

When Ariel laughs fairies are born and children are raised from the dead and beauty returns to center
When Ariel prays the heavens cease movement.
God harkens.
God stops.
God shushes the playing kingdom and demands attention be paid.

When Ariel sleeps the One does not.
When Ariel doubts the One believes.
When Ariel is weak the One is strong.
When Ariel introspects she sees mud and filth and blood and yuck and muck and asks

And Creator answers:
“When Ariel sings the music pierces the soul
And magnifies Me
And I am so close, so very close.”

And many can taste Creator One: Her and Him and Son and Spirit.


Anonymous said...

Michelle, this is so beautiful. It makes me know the person you are writing about as though we had met. I love you. Sherry

Jenn Cannon said...

Thank you, my friend. It means so much more to me than you can know. I'm working on it... God's working on it with me... maybe someday I can really believe it.
