Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Monday, September 27


I went wandering around campus today looking for nothing in particular. I found myself stopping and chatting with a number of people, some old friends, some new, some not really friends but aquintances on the waiting list.
It was nice.
Speaking of friends - I read ones' blog today. As little salt ponds formed in the dark circles of my tired eyes, I realized, for the hundreth time, that she is most amazing. She has this certain ju nes chez qua about her.
She doesn't talk too much - I admire that. She cries when she falls down, but better than that - she cries when you fall down.
Often times I feel like I am not good enough to be her friend - there must be something I am missing, some action undone or word unspoken that lingers as a big fat "duh" to everybody except me. I wish I knew how to serve her better. I really really wish I knew.
by the way - I am quite aware that I cannot spell ju nes chez qua but don't count that against her description.

On another note:
class started today and that is another good change! I am not sure how I will handle the new lack-of-social-life schedule that awaits the next ten weeks: but there is some sort of prophetic spirit about this quarter.
i sit foretelling and forthtelling my soul that difficulty brings strength of faith and character - that obligations to work make play so much more, well, playful! This quarter will be a lesson in play.
I take for granted my play, now I will learn to cherish it.
I expect to have fun and have ease, now I will learn to be grateful for both.
So, for the next ten weeks: I am working 30 hours a week, classing 12 hours a week, studying 15 hours a week and churching 3 hours a week (aside from work).
i think as long as i keep fixed on Jesus, everything will be just fine. I am not busy: I am learning how to be in the real world: I am learning to schedule and be disciplined. Again.
Didn't we do this last year Lord? And the year before? and before?
Ahhhhh, long live the divine molding hands of my Lord and my God, Jesus Christ.

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