Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Friday, September 16

I'm Baaaaaaaaaaaaack!

Okeedokee - here I am! back from the FABULOUSO trip to the east coast (check it out NOW! at and I am ready for the updatage on life. When last we met our heroine, she was deeply distressed over the lifestyle continuation on her vacation! She was rueing her decision to go east, merely because of the fear of failing to keep up with her weight loss journey!
Well, she is back, and after the dreaded vacation, after 3 pieces of carrot cake (at least), after 2 Cinnanon muffins, yes, even after FULL FAT ICE CREAM (gasp!!!)- she has returned triumphant in her call!


MY new weight as of last night? 193.2. I have NEVER weighed this in my adult life. NEVER. My freshman year of high school I was 210. by my senior year I was 250. At age 21 I was up to 280, lost 80 pounds and hung out between 200-210 for about 6 months. I think I weighed 195 for about a week - but never less than that.
Here I am at age 28, with both the will and the Way to walk in health and I weigh less now than in high school. This is really important to me.

total pounds lost so far: 79.2!

pics from vay-kay:
This is my Mommy's brother, Uncle Tom, my Aunt Barb, and Cous Kris (one of three - Cous Joe is in Mesa, AZ and Cous Jeff is at college) I guess I like the "stand-there-and-smile-like-a-goofball" pose, since I made everyone do it. Sorry, fam.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the family pics. I am very proud of you.
Love, tink's mom

Mark Baker-Wright said...

Welcome back, and congratulations!