Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Wednesday, January 4

New Year...

It is 2006. I remember being in sixth grade in 1989 (whew!) and thinking "Wow - in the year 2006 I will be 28."
The obvious connection is...

Classes start today for my last quarter at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA. I am taking Women, the Bible and the Church with Dr. David Scholar, NT 1:Gospels with Marienne Meye Thompson, and doing my Master's Project.
Oh yeah, I am also finishing an independent study in Theological Anthropology and Revelation of God with Ray Anderson. So -- big ass quarter. Oh, and another thing, I have a BF to keep track of, although I really think he actually hates the notion of either of us keeping track of each other and he probably wouldn't even care if I lost track of him, and that is a good thing even though at first it doesn't sound like it.
And the most important thing: my family is, well, exploding. But all good things must come to end I suppose.

I am not looking forard to the stress associated with school and work but it all gets chalked up to experience. Ce la vie.

I hope to have more news later with more enjoyable things to say. For now though, reality bites.

I guess a picture will brighten the mood: friends last quarter at Desiree's DJ Bash with the AA studies department. Fun was had by all.

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