Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Saturday, March 18

Helpless Romantic

I have recently discovered that I am a completely helpless romantic. I especially mean the HELPLESS part of that. The heart is a funny thing - we just can't control it. So, since I can't beat my heart, I have joined it!
The good thing is that I have finally come to terms with the fact that I love ROMANCE. Jenn helped me realize this when she and I were talking about "this guy" and she said - "You're not letting yourself enjoy this thing."
She was right - I was scared of happiness because it meant that I might be hurt.
This is hilarious because I think being afraid of pain is the stupidist thing ever in the world. It ties your soul up in knots and stops you from feeling anything except pain anyway! Now, I do realize that sometimes fear and caution are a VERY healthy thing - they can keep you away from things that God just doesn't need you to be all mixed up with. Fear can be a great motivator for wisdom - but I think in the overall scheme of things being "too cautious" steals away life in the sneakiest way.

So, whether you need to hear it or not, I leave with these cheese-ball words (hey - I just told you I was a helpless romantic!!):

Sing like no one is listening,
Dance like no one is watching,
Love like you have never been hurt
Live like it's heaven on earth.


Anonymous said...

reminds me of me......

Unknown said...

me, a helpless romantic, i think not. im more of a hopeful romantic.. to much shakespeare i think.. i keep hoping i will meet a guy who will sweep me off my feet and make me feel like the most precious thing in his life. Love like you've never been hurt??easier asud than done.. can i get a witness?

pd ( capetown)