Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Monday, March 6

Michelle + Motivation = 0

Yeah - so I have none.
This weekend has been annoyingly difficult to concentrate on all the stuff I have to get done. I am hopelessly distracted.
I think I am having one of those mental reactions to the fact that I am graduating in June. I am not sure what I will be doing, except I know that it will be "real life" stuff and to be honest, I like my "fake life" as a student. I enjoy being lazy when I want to be, taking a day off of classes whenever, procrastinating on papers and studying and hanging out with great people freaking ALL DAY LONG!!!!
I love the atmosphere where everybody feels the same stresses (to some extent) and kinda is cocooned up in this attitude of "not yet". It is very comfortable to put off actually fulfilling the career path we are called to.
If you are reading this - PLEASE pray for me that I get my papers done like now (pray now if you like, but I mean that more like I get my papers done now - Ah - English - a barrel of grammatical fun!)

So, off I am to continue work - and these papers:

Women, Bible and the Church = Egalitarian position paper
NT Gospels = What is the Kingdom of God?
Systematics = Is the Bible to be trusted?
Systematics = What about theodicy?


a Final Exam in NT Gospels

pray friends, pray.


Kyle said...

You got it!

Anonymous said...

i am sorry that i haven't kept up reading your blog latetly. it really makes me miss you and fuller and my life down there. enjoy it while it lasts. i love you babe.

Anonymous said...

I miss my fake life! :)