Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Tuesday, April 4

Creativity is stirring...

I don't like my blog anymore but I don't know how to change it around. I would like to know how to make pretty pictures and show the covers of the books that I am reading or the CD's that I am currently jamming to.
I would also like to use the entirety of the page.
This is an interesting comment on my personality....

I like to use the entirety of the page to express myself. Even though I am a very free thinker, I like to have the dimensions of the page to think within.
I can hear myself know saying to people in music jam sessions - "Yeah, I can make up a song - GIVE ME A TOPIC"
I can remember asking for guidance without specifics.
One time someone spoke a word over me and told me that I was like a horse on a track, but the track was very, very wide. I was running and running and the track gently guides me in the directions that I should go. I am free within boundaries. I am safe within the guidance of God.

I want to use the whole page, my friends, and I want you to use the whole page too. Maybe you will start from the middle and spread out, maybe you will start from the edges and go in - or may be you will be kinda like me and throw stuff all over in random over.

Ahhhhh.... and all this starts because I want to change my blog.

1 comment:

Kyle said...

I know how to do some creative "hacking" but not too much. Then again, I don't know how much of it is creative and how much is hacking.

Peice owt!