Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Friday, June 16

I did it with help

Originally uploaded by Princess Babydoll.
Here is Jenn and I right after the graduation ceremony. I am not sure what we are so happy about. Maybe the fact that I will no longer annoy her with boring drivel about classes and irritations about having to study. Or maybe we just love each other.
Jenn is at GA ( it's a Presby thing that I don't really understand.)
I really, really miss her. She is very important to me.
Actually...I am missing a lot of people lately. My Family, Sara and BeeGee and Uriah, Jenn, Paul.... today is kind of a sad day... but I will certainly get over it.
I like that about myself. I get over things pretty quickly. Paul had a good word for this the other day: Resilient. I am gonna own that description. It feels good to be able to say I am resilient.
Just give me the space to feel my stuff and then I am A-OK. I really do think that generally this is a good quality... sometimes people hold stuff in forever and never feel it out - I have learned that this reaction isn't so good.
I would rather feel it and then be free to release it then hold on to it and have it run me over like a truck later.
SOOOO - this morning I am missing people and my heart hurts. BUT - I am resilient, durable and flexible.
"I like it! That's my new philosophy!" (Sally Brown - Charlie's sister)


Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting a photo, are there more?
You look wonderful and so excited.
Jordan's ceremony was nice and Stephen took great photos. Wait till we tell you about the adventure we had in Chicago.

Wise words on feeling then freeing.....
We love you

Anonymous said...

oops, forgot about princessbabydoll
Great photos Michelle! And I am not anonymous, I am the California Auntie.