Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Wednesday, February 15

Random thoughts for the morning

It was 85 degrees last Friday when K-dog and I studied and ate fruit together. K is on the prego track, with lil' Villa due August 12 or 3rd. The reason I can't remember which is b/c BF Sara is also due in August - on the 12 or 3rd. So I can't remember which is which.
Anyway, K did this cool thing with her orange before she ate it:

She split up all the sections before she put any of them in her mouth. When I asked her why she told me of how when she was little, her mom would put the oranges in the fridge and they would be too cold and she hated it - so she would split up the oranges to make them warm up.
I love you, K, and I love what makes you tick - I am so blessed!


I thought this beer looked neon. Kinda Wierd - but even weirder is how the bubble pattern looks like Jack from Nightmare Before Christmas. Also check out the reflection of the beer in the water.
See - I told you beverages are cool to photograph!

Another blessing:

This is how my church does business.
We just call each other church and leave post-its in simple form to get the message across.
I love my church - it is so cool because when I say that I mean that I love the people that make up my community. It has been a while since I was able to say that - I am so thankful.
I love my church.
I love my church.
I love my church?

Wow. Rad.


Kyle said...

Your church is pimp.

Thais said...

sweet pics.
i think we should have church at a pub soon.