Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Wednesday, February 1

And then from....

Last night with a good friend proved to be a very healing experience for me.

He read to me Rilke:
And then, from his place of ambush, God lept out.

I have been marinating in that and plan to stay marinating for a while.
I am so thankful for the language of thinkness, for the spell of words that dazzle and draw into heaven's paths. So amazed by the tenderness of breath and teeth and tongue that serve peace and grace.

Words aptly spoken truly are apples of gold in settings of silver.
Thank you, my dear friend. You know who you are.

More on Sundance to come.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he read Rilke... mmmmmm. does he cook and appreciate other forms of beauty also? -r