Since my post on Wicked, I have been asked to describe why it was "perfect" and "the best show ever".
SO, always up for a challenge, I'll try. But I am going to do it in chunks.
The first chunk being a response to Mr. Ben. Stupid Law my friend: read the liner notes of your CD before you talk about the show. :)
OF COURSE it doesn't sound Wicked!
A couple of reasons why follow:
1. Dramatic/Poetic Irony in the story
2. The entire show is NOT on the CD on purpose because several songs have "spoilers" in them.
(see - that is only a couple of reasons - I know the difference between "a couple" and "a few")
I would like to talk about point 1.
Wicked the musical is based on the theme of Wicked the book, written by Gregory MacGuire. It's a pretty good read. Not great, but definitely worth the time , especially if you like The Wizard of Oz and "why things are the way they are" stories. I am fan of this genre. Go Rudyard Kipling!
Anyway, the whole point of the story is why the Witches of Oz are who they are and how they got that way.
The dramatic irony is - not a spoiler as far as I can tell - is that the people who are "Wicked" are not really the "Wicked" ones, and the "good" are not "good."
The musical is a much more concise version of the book, with some significant changes from the book, but tells the story VERY well. It is actually like they are two different takes on the same story and both wind up being solid and respectable and pleasing in their own right.
The book is darker and more detailed (of course) and has a lot more political/social commentary. There are more dark moments, more sadness, more painful realizations.
The musical is a musical... come on folks.... a musical. 'Nuff said.
Stephen Schwartz wrote the stage show, btw, and really outdid himself musically. I can hear some themes that he tends to use in all his shows. A couple "power ballad" chord progressions... see "Meadowlark" from The Baker's Wife and "Defy Gravity" from Wicked - you will hear similar thematic melodies and changes. Love it.
Overall, however, he brings a fresh spin to the characters and weaves the musical themes between the characters with finesse and musical skill. Not an easy thing to do. Sondheim did it really well, so did Webber - but he is kinda lame in the story area.
Ok I am tired and want to think about other things so I'll get back to this.
Culture + Arts + Faith + Education
Sunday, April 22
Wednesday, April 18
Something is just not right....
Ok. This is going to be a dangerous post. Its gonna be dangerous because I think I might offend someone - or a lot of someones - so just hang in there.
I think what happened at Virginia Tech last Monday is horrific. If you care for language as much as I do, you will note that it is not tragic. Well, it was tragic for the shooter... Something is tragic when you bring terrible-ness upon yourself. For example - a car accident is only tragic for the person who caused the accident (and it usually involves some irony, too) - not all the other people who died/were hurt.
Anyway - I digress.
I am honestly in a state of confusion about the reaction to Virginia Tech. I want to grieve with the people who have lost their friends, family, loved ones. I want to be sad and mourn. I want to hurt with other hurt people.
But I can't. I never can when crap like this happens. Why? Because I always feel like mourning in the United States is bastardized by people who are removed from the situation.
I feel like this nation is a nation of emotional rubberneckers - we all stand by and point and stare and look and want information and pretend we support but few of us get off our asses and fly ourselves to Blacksburg (did you even know that VT was in Blacksburg?! I didn't!) to actually help clean up the emotional aftermath.
Paul was reading the New York Times website this morning and they have an "interactive walk through the shooting" link where you can follow the path of the shootings.
I am deeply concerned when I see 20 people outside my office scrounging for information about what happened with an air of "I'm training to be a psychologist... I must discuss with all my friends why such a thing has occurred", I am torn when my boss asks me to put CNN on the campus network for the school to watch the same footage over and over again, I am offended when I hear people tsk-tsk-ing about VT, and not once thinking about the reality that 80 people were killed in Iraq yesterday - or the thousands of Americans who died Monday due to drug overdose, cancer, heart disease, fires, old age, more shootings, suicide.
I do not believe it is our place to "jump on the mourning bandwagon." I believe it is our place to actually mourn. To BE torn and shocked and angry. This looks more like silence than gossip. Right now, USA, we look like gossips.
How offensive we must seem to a devastated community when we come in with our TV cameras and our news reporters to "get the story" instead of help them through the story.
You know what this does? It turns young people into marketers of grief - it does not teach them how to cope with the reality of grief.
The same thing happened with 9/11, with Katrina, with Columbine. We stood back and made judgments about who, what, when, where and when we felt we had enough information, we collectively forgot about it. Of course, we didn't forget - we CAN'T forget... and we should not forget. But somehow to continue talking about it as a nationwide community seems passe - seems irrelevant - seems... well... dead.
Virginia Tech - forgive us. We have failed you by caring for you just long enough to get the goods and get out. Forgive us for mourning with fingers pointed and heads shaking.
Forgive us for not truly experiencing your grief, but watching it from afar.
Forgive us for not helping.
I am able to find peace with Virginia Tech through the English professors' poem. Virginia Tech will mourn. Sigh.
Now - can we mourn with them, rather than at them?
God... help us all.
Help VT.
Help VT's community.
I think what happened at Virginia Tech last Monday is horrific. If you care for language as much as I do, you will note that it is not tragic. Well, it was tragic for the shooter... Something is tragic when you bring terrible-ness upon yourself. For example - a car accident is only tragic for the person who caused the accident (and it usually involves some irony, too) - not all the other people who died/were hurt.
Anyway - I digress.
I am honestly in a state of confusion about the reaction to Virginia Tech. I want to grieve with the people who have lost their friends, family, loved ones. I want to be sad and mourn. I want to hurt with other hurt people.
But I can't. I never can when crap like this happens. Why? Because I always feel like mourning in the United States is bastardized by people who are removed from the situation.
I feel like this nation is a nation of emotional rubberneckers - we all stand by and point and stare and look and want information and pretend we support but few of us get off our asses and fly ourselves to Blacksburg (did you even know that VT was in Blacksburg?! I didn't!) to actually help clean up the emotional aftermath.
Paul was reading the New York Times website this morning and they have an "interactive walk through the shooting" link where you can follow the path of the shootings.
I am deeply concerned when I see 20 people outside my office scrounging for information about what happened with an air of "I'm training to be a psychologist... I must discuss with all my friends why such a thing has occurred", I am torn when my boss asks me to put CNN on the campus network for the school to watch the same footage over and over again, I am offended when I hear people tsk-tsk-ing about VT, and not once thinking about the reality that 80 people were killed in Iraq yesterday - or the thousands of Americans who died Monday due to drug overdose, cancer, heart disease, fires, old age, more shootings, suicide.
I do not believe it is our place to "jump on the mourning bandwagon." I believe it is our place to actually mourn. To BE torn and shocked and angry. This looks more like silence than gossip. Right now, USA, we look like gossips.
How offensive we must seem to a devastated community when we come in with our TV cameras and our news reporters to "get the story" instead of help them through the story.
You know what this does? It turns young people into marketers of grief - it does not teach them how to cope with the reality of grief.
The same thing happened with 9/11, with Katrina, with Columbine. We stood back and made judgments about who, what, when, where and when we felt we had enough information, we collectively forgot about it. Of course, we didn't forget - we CAN'T forget... and we should not forget. But somehow to continue talking about it as a nationwide community seems passe - seems irrelevant - seems... well... dead.
Virginia Tech - forgive us. We have failed you by caring for you just long enough to get the goods and get out. Forgive us for mourning with fingers pointed and heads shaking.
Forgive us for not truly experiencing your grief, but watching it from afar.
Forgive us for not helping.
I am able to find peace with Virginia Tech through the English professors' poem. Virginia Tech will mourn. Sigh.
Now - can we mourn with them, rather than at them?
God... help us all.
Help VT.
Help VT's community.
Tuesday, April 17
A group of us saw "Wicked" the musical Sunday night.
I think it was the best show, overall, that I have ever seen.
Anyone who knows me knows that statement says a lot.
I think it is the only show in my life that I can walk away from saying
"It was, literally, perfect."
I stand in solidarity with my friend Ryan who made this simple comments:
"I am still reeling."
This is why I love and praise God. That God makes people who can make stuff like this. That God gifts people to gift others by giving them createdness....
Some people say, "If you don't believe in God, look at the world around you." I say, "If you don't believe in God, go see Wicked and tell me how all that talent - from visual images, to lighting, to sound, to character acting, to singing, to dancing, to set building, to costume design - could combine without an instigator and creator."
The theatre saves my soul.
I think it was the best show, overall, that I have ever seen.
Anyone who knows me knows that statement says a lot.
I think it is the only show in my life that I can walk away from saying
"It was, literally, perfect."
I stand in solidarity with my friend Ryan who made this simple comments:
"I am still reeling."
This is why I love and praise God. That God makes people who can make stuff like this. That God gifts people to gift others by giving them createdness....
Some people say, "If you don't believe in God, look at the world around you." I say, "If you don't believe in God, go see Wicked and tell me how all that talent - from visual images, to lighting, to sound, to character acting, to singing, to dancing, to set building, to costume design - could combine without an instigator and creator."
The theatre saves my soul.
Friday, April 13
Ariel reprimanded me for not having a link to my brother's blog on my link-list.
"What kind of sister are you?" were, I think, her exact words.
Well, if it is any consolation, it's there now.
"What kind of sister are you?" were, I think, her exact words.
Well, if it is any consolation, it's there now.
Wednesday, April 11
Law and Order does it again!
The episode: "Good Faith"
The premise: Churches are getting burned down. Lots of them. Only this most recent one is different. THIS one has a dead body in it too! (Chink-Chink)
The official description of the plot is here:
A church burns and a man is dead. In a series of church burnings, the Detectives Ed Green (Jesse L. Martin) and Nina Cassady (Milena Govich) suspect arson, however this time a victim is found among the charred ruins - the victim is a teacher and basketball coach at a private parochial school. Arson becomes a homicide investigation as the detectives discover the victim was killed prior to the fire. S. Epatha Merkerson, Sam Waterston, Fred Dalton Thompson and Alana De La Garza also star.
So here is the kicker (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!)
The murdered man (Nash) was a science teacher who taught evolution at a private Christian school. The murderer (Reese) is the widowed father of a young woman (Mary) whom said teacher gave a "F" on a paper about creationism.
The murderer/Dad uses this defense (you're gonna love it):
Defense Lawyer Melnick:
"We are asserting a justification defense."
ADA Rubirosa:
"He's admitting to the murder?"
DL Melnick:
"It's not murder if you are trying to save the life of a third party - In this case, his daughter."
ADA Rubirosa:
"Nash was attacking Mary?"
DL Melnick:
ADA Rubirosa:
"We have two witnesses that put Mary at home while Reese was out killing him!"
DL Melnick:
"She doesn't have to be physically present to be in jeopordy.
ADA McCoy:
"Well how could her life possibly be in danger??! What was the threat?!"
Here it is folks:
DL Melnick:
"Divine Retribution."
Don't worry, McCoy's response was mine: "Excuse Me?"
And the DL actually said this:
"Like Many Americans, Jacob Reese believes in an all powerful God who punishes non-believers."
Then a well placed Lot's wife reference.
I killed my daughters teacher because I was afraid that my daughter would experience the wrath of God for loosing her faith - because of what she was learning.
I killed the man to defend my daughters life.
Basically, the character thought that his daughter would literally be struck dead for starting to believe evolution might even be remotely possible
(The real reason of course - because when it's only 10:30 and the killer is caught there is always a real reason - is because she had clamitia from having sex with someone at the school, who Dad thought was the teacher dude. It SUCKS when you get wrongly killed!)
Crazy Christians! Crazy Christians!
I was getting irritated again as I watched this episode - one more idiot Christian being represented as the majority. Damn I hate that!!!!
But then I heard it - the money line.
Someone has been reading my blog!
ADA Rubirosa: (while discussing the defense with her colleagues)
"Yeah, but we come off saying he (Reese) is crazy because he literally believes in Biblical retribution - that plays right into Melnicks hands."
District Attorney :
"Does it? I think people of faith would resent the fact that this guy is trying to hide behind religion."
YES WE DO!!!!!
A sigh of relief washed over me... David Slack, writer of this episode, has heard my plea for some tiny bit of reality when it comes to faith perspective.
My thanks to you Mr. Slack.
Come over for coffee anytime - I can give you more thoughts about the broader less insane viewpoints of Christians.
But that might not make for juicy Law & Order.
More later folks.......
The premise: Churches are getting burned down. Lots of them. Only this most recent one is different. THIS one has a dead body in it too! (Chink-Chink)
The official description of the plot is here:
A church burns and a man is dead. In a series of church burnings, the Detectives Ed Green (Jesse L. Martin) and Nina Cassady (Milena Govich) suspect arson, however this time a victim is found among the charred ruins - the victim is a teacher and basketball coach at a private parochial school. Arson becomes a homicide investigation as the detectives discover the victim was killed prior to the fire. S. Epatha Merkerson, Sam Waterston, Fred Dalton Thompson and Alana De La Garza also star.
So here is the kicker (SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!)
The murdered man (Nash) was a science teacher who taught evolution at a private Christian school. The murderer (Reese) is the widowed father of a young woman (Mary) whom said teacher gave a "F" on a paper about creationism.
The murderer/Dad uses this defense (you're gonna love it):
Defense Lawyer Melnick:
"We are asserting a justification defense."
ADA Rubirosa:
"He's admitting to the murder?"
DL Melnick:
"It's not murder if you are trying to save the life of a third party - In this case, his daughter."
ADA Rubirosa:
"Nash was attacking Mary?"
DL Melnick:
ADA Rubirosa:
"We have two witnesses that put Mary at home while Reese was out killing him!"
DL Melnick:
"She doesn't have to be physically present to be in jeopordy.
ADA McCoy:
"Well how could her life possibly be in danger??! What was the threat?!"
Here it is folks:
DL Melnick:
"Divine Retribution."
Don't worry, McCoy's response was mine: "Excuse Me?"
And the DL actually said this:
"Like Many Americans, Jacob Reese believes in an all powerful God who punishes non-believers."
Then a well placed Lot's wife reference.
I killed my daughters teacher because I was afraid that my daughter would experience the wrath of God for loosing her faith - because of what she was learning.
I killed the man to defend my daughters life.
Basically, the character thought that his daughter would literally be struck dead for starting to believe evolution might even be remotely possible
(The real reason of course - because when it's only 10:30 and the killer is caught there is always a real reason - is because she had clamitia from having sex with someone at the school, who Dad thought was the teacher dude. It SUCKS when you get wrongly killed!)
Crazy Christians! Crazy Christians!
I was getting irritated again as I watched this episode - one more idiot Christian being represented as the majority. Damn I hate that!!!!
But then I heard it - the money line.
Someone has been reading my blog!
ADA Rubirosa: (while discussing the defense with her colleagues)
"Yeah, but we come off saying he (Reese) is crazy because he literally believes in Biblical retribution - that plays right into Melnicks hands."
District Attorney :
"Does it? I think people of faith would resent the fact that this guy is trying to hide behind religion."
YES WE DO!!!!!
A sigh of relief washed over me... David Slack, writer of this episode, has heard my plea for some tiny bit of reality when it comes to faith perspective.
My thanks to you Mr. Slack.
Come over for coffee anytime - I can give you more thoughts about the broader less insane viewpoints of Christians.
But that might not make for juicy Law & Order.
More later folks.......
Sunday, April 8
I would like to point out that my blog about the A's and Holy Weekend was prophetic.
Now THAT is cool.
Maybe the A's should hire me as their official "prayer warrior".
THAT would be WAY cool.
Now THAT is cool.
Maybe the A's should hire me as their official "prayer warrior".
THAT would be WAY cool.
Saturday, April 7
The A's shamed me last night
Ok, the A's lost last night - Paul and I sat behind Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb, drunk out of their minds - and next to this kid who obviously didn't really know anything about baseball, yet insisted on making drunken comments throughout the final innings of the game.
So lame.
I am choosing to see this as a perfect opportunity to remember that it was Good Friday yesterday. There must be darkness before the light. The A's, therefore, will probably loose tonight as well, then have a shockingly heroic and beautiful comeback tomorrow in which the devil and his "Angels of Light" will be beaten back into bubble-gum baseball land (aka "Angels Stadium of Anaheim").
And the world will once again be well.
Praise be to God.
So lame.
I am choosing to see this as a perfect opportunity to remember that it was Good Friday yesterday. There must be darkness before the light. The A's, therefore, will probably loose tonight as well, then have a shockingly heroic and beautiful comeback tomorrow in which the devil and his "Angels of Light" will be beaten back into bubble-gum baseball land (aka "Angels Stadium of Anaheim").
And the world will once again be well.
Praise be to God.
Friday, April 6
Everybody is asking.....
Here we are! Paul is so wonderful. Dontcha just love that smile? It is my favorite smile of his; when his cheeks get all squishy and his eyes start to twinkle and his... well, nevermind!
Pretty much everyone I see has asked me the "name" question - so I shall answer it today.
My new name is:
Michelle Kristina Markwart Deveaux.
Heavenly, isn't it? Notice the lack of hyphen, and the ever so gentle twist of the "x".
Now, what this means is that I will be Michelle Kristina Markwart Deveaux on all legal documents, such as my SS card and Drivers License.
I shall be Michelle Markwart Deveaux or Mrs. Markwart Deveaux on things that require my full name but are not as legal, such as syllabi, or invitations to parties (hint hint) or signing my name on a Gordon Beirsch receipt.
To my friends and family, who know me well I am already Mrs. Deveaux and to my husband (tee-hee! I said my husband) I am Michelle. Or Mrs. Markwart Deveaux. Or Mrs. Deveaux. Or whatever he wants; we have that agreement.
If my name does not fit on something then it shall be shortened to: Michelle K M Deveaux.
I know some of you are surprised that I would even change my name at all, being the strong empowering woman that I am. I will always be a Markwart! I am WAY too sassy and witty and neurotic to NOT be!
The Markwart in me is a woman of commitment and flexibility, of loyal skepticism, and of just plain FUN TIMES!!!
I gotta tell you though, the Deveaux name and legacy is one that I am proud to be a part of.
On the vanity side of things, I mean, really, Michelle Deveaux? How Diva is that name?! I finally get to live up to my star personality! ;)
But even better - the Deveaux name is a legacy of decency and respect.
Paul's grandfather chose the name Deveaux as the family name in the Bahamas - sometime in the early 20th century.
Clinton Deveaux chose the Deveaux name when he was getting his birth certificate. Clinton did not know his father - but he did know a respectable man whom he very much admired with the name Deveaux. When it came time to write "father's" name, Clinton wrote Deveaux.
What this means to me is that Paul's family legacy is one of choosing and determining their futures and their associations. (Anyone who has met Paul also knows that he is a man of determining his future and associations! He is his own man FOR SURE! Just one of the many reasons I married him.)
The Markwart is more of a go-with-the-flow type. But I respect deeply the drive and determination that the Deveaux family name carries and want those characteristics to be in my life as well.
I proudly change my name to include the Deveaux name, embracing all that comes with it.
May I be a parent that passes that name/legacy on to my children and grandchildren. (And hopefully great grandchildren - I plan to live to 110.)

Pretty much everyone I see has asked me the "name" question - so I shall answer it today.
My new name is:
Michelle Kristina Markwart Deveaux.
Heavenly, isn't it? Notice the lack of hyphen, and the ever so gentle twist of the "x".
Now, what this means is that I will be Michelle Kristina Markwart Deveaux on all legal documents, such as my SS card and Drivers License.
I shall be Michelle Markwart Deveaux or Mrs. Markwart Deveaux on things that require my full name but are not as legal, such as syllabi, or invitations to parties (hint hint) or signing my name on a Gordon Beirsch receipt.
To my friends and family, who know me well I am already Mrs. Deveaux and to my husband (tee-hee! I said my husband) I am Michelle. Or Mrs. Markwart Deveaux. Or Mrs. Deveaux. Or whatever he wants; we have that agreement.
If my name does not fit on something then it shall be shortened to: Michelle K M Deveaux.
I know some of you are surprised that I would even change my name at all, being the strong empowering woman that I am. I will always be a Markwart! I am WAY too sassy and witty and neurotic to NOT be!
The Markwart in me is a woman of commitment and flexibility, of loyal skepticism, and of just plain FUN TIMES!!!
I gotta tell you though, the Deveaux name and legacy is one that I am proud to be a part of.
On the vanity side of things, I mean, really, Michelle Deveaux? How Diva is that name?! I finally get to live up to my star personality! ;)
But even better - the Deveaux name is a legacy of decency and respect.
Paul's grandfather chose the name Deveaux as the family name in the Bahamas - sometime in the early 20th century.
Clinton Deveaux chose the Deveaux name when he was getting his birth certificate. Clinton did not know his father - but he did know a respectable man whom he very much admired with the name Deveaux. When it came time to write "father's" name, Clinton wrote Deveaux.
What this means to me is that Paul's family legacy is one of choosing and determining their futures and their associations. (Anyone who has met Paul also knows that he is a man of determining his future and associations! He is his own man FOR SURE! Just one of the many reasons I married him.)
The Markwart is more of a go-with-the-flow type. But I respect deeply the drive and determination that the Deveaux family name carries and want those characteristics to be in my life as well.
I proudly change my name to include the Deveaux name, embracing all that comes with it.
May I be a parent that passes that name/legacy on to my children and grandchildren. (And hopefully great grandchildren - I plan to live to 110.)
Tuesday, April 3
Just Married!
Wow. I am married.
Last Friday, March 30, 2007 - Paul and I exchanged vows, rings, laughs and love and now we are hitched.
I gotta tell ya - it is a surreal experience. It truly is one of those things that you don't know what it is like until you are there doing it. And even then - I am not sure if you know what it is like because you are in this foggy place of "what am I doing?" and the whole day is just hitting you upside the head.
It's fabulous really.
Some noteworthy moments:
1) When Paul and I entered the chapel during the processional, there was like this huge gasp. I thought a flower arrangement had fallen over. I was thinking, "Uh-Oh. What happened? Stay calm. Don't look around like a fool." We walked forward, and the arrangements looked fine. I had this little moment of epiphany - people gasped AT ME! (I don't think I looked THAT BAD!)
ANYWAY - at the reception, our friend Erin told me it was the first wedding she had been at where people gasped when the bride entered. WOW! That felt great!
2) Paul was SO hot. Oh my gosh - that kinda hotness shouldn't be legal! He is such a wonderful person. We worked so hard together to make this day reflect our theology and philosophy and lifestyle - and it worked out great. All that to say that God was merciful and gracious to us - it was pouring rain 3 days before on Tuesday - and on Friday we took all our pictures outside in 80 degree slightly breezy goodness.
3) Raymond - Anny's Beau - bought me a Diet Coke at the last minute. So cool.
4) The men were so relaxed before service that the guys all played cards in the Groom's Room. Paul has some amazing dudes in his life. Anthony and Mike and their wives are amazing people that I can't wait to get to know better and better. I am so glad the new friends are so accepting and loving and full of vigor and talent!
5) Miss Rachel - photographess extraordinare took some AMAZING shots..... she is truly one of the best photographers I have ever worked with. SHE IS WORTH FLYING OUT TO DO YOUR WEDDING/HEADSHOTS/PREGNANT PICTURES!!!!!!! Seriously - hire this woman - she is wonderful!
Thanks to all who were there in body and in spirit! We look forward to the big blow out in Summer!!!!!!
Last Friday, March 30, 2007 - Paul and I exchanged vows, rings, laughs and love and now we are hitched.
I gotta tell ya - it is a surreal experience. It truly is one of those things that you don't know what it is like until you are there doing it. And even then - I am not sure if you know what it is like because you are in this foggy place of "what am I doing?" and the whole day is just hitting you upside the head.
It's fabulous really.
Some noteworthy moments:
1) When Paul and I entered the chapel during the processional, there was like this huge gasp. I thought a flower arrangement had fallen over. I was thinking, "Uh-Oh. What happened? Stay calm. Don't look around like a fool." We walked forward, and the arrangements looked fine. I had this little moment of epiphany - people gasped AT ME! (I don't think I looked THAT BAD!)
ANYWAY - at the reception, our friend Erin told me it was the first wedding she had been at where people gasped when the bride entered. WOW! That felt great!
2) Paul was SO hot. Oh my gosh - that kinda hotness shouldn't be legal! He is such a wonderful person. We worked so hard together to make this day reflect our theology and philosophy and lifestyle - and it worked out great. All that to say that God was merciful and gracious to us - it was pouring rain 3 days before on Tuesday - and on Friday we took all our pictures outside in 80 degree slightly breezy goodness.
3) Raymond - Anny's Beau - bought me a Diet Coke at the last minute. So cool.
4) The men were so relaxed before service that the guys all played cards in the Groom's Room. Paul has some amazing dudes in his life. Anthony and Mike and their wives are amazing people that I can't wait to get to know better and better. I am so glad the new friends are so accepting and loving and full of vigor and talent!
5) Miss Rachel - photographess extraordinare took some AMAZING shots..... she is truly one of the best photographers I have ever worked with. SHE IS WORTH FLYING OUT TO DO YOUR WEDDING/HEADSHOTS/PREGNANT PICTURES!!!!!!! Seriously - hire this woman - she is wonderful!
Thanks to all who were there in body and in spirit! We look forward to the big blow out in Summer!!!!!!
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