Culture + Arts + Faith + Education

Friday, November 3


Ok, I have had several responses to the last blog post- this is wonderful.
However, in most of the responses, there seems to be a fear that I am desperately unhappy and that my life is in complete shambles. And the touching attempt to fix it.
I admit this is a fair muse, as I am rarely in touch with most people and when I post it is usually about something desperately unhappy or shamble-riffic.

With much chagrin, I respond here to the urge to put potential and current readers at ease.

1. Everything is always simultaneously fabulous and horrible. This is the nature of life. One of my many philosophies is, "Life is hard! I'm great!" (Note, this is one of the few NONSARCASTIC comments I make) This is not good or bad; it just is. I believe that I am not the only one to whom this reality belongs. I simply recognize it more, howyousay?, blatantly.

2. I have not ended, will not end, or even remotely entertain the idea of ending the amazing, wonderful, blissfully maddening, over-the-top, phenomenal love affair I have with P-Dog. Or writing blogposts.

3. I like to write stuff that makes people think about stuff they would rather not think about. Often times I use a slight-of-word trick to bring about introspection in others. I do this on purpose.

4. I have spent $60,000 and some change on a theological education. I am very aware of my embedded theology. I have been pastoring on and off for a while. And, I think I have earned a little bit of "life experience" credit too.

5. I loath pat answers about anything. That is why I write blogposts that challenge the pat answers that accost me on the street.

6. Per myriad requests, I promise I will genuinely reflect on writing a book. Really. I will not only pray about it, but I will continue to write and see what comes about. I will put some action behind the idea. (Now, pick yourselves up off the floor... it is true... I actually can DO something!)

Now, just to be clear, this post is not directed on any one person. I have had 23 personal emails regarding the "forgiveness sucks" post, and the above info is pretty much FYI. I am a bit proud of myself that one little post has produced such ado. It makes me feel smart. Thank you very much.

The hidden motive in this post: I am trying to condition you all to buy my book.


Anonymous said...

SOLD! I'll buy it!

Anonymous said...

still wow!
loathing pat answers - reminded me; mother gave me a book in the 70s entitled No Pat Answers, she was a big fan of the author Eugenia Price. She had her books all over the house. Ms Price too was a woman ahead of her time. See if your dad remembers mother talking about her. Anyway, there is more to say and more to post.